Saturday, July 25, 2009

Week 3 Reply to Professor Bustillos

Very funny video, but did you notice he said that his district dropped a macbook on him so that he could support a school-site that runs macs only and he didn’t know what to do with the thing. It’s all meant to be fun and games, but his “tech answer looking for problems” set-up brought up a whole host of memories from my thirteen-years as a public school teacher who at times was the site tech coordinator and sat on endless tech committees. I mean, who drops a foreign OS on a support technician and then says, okay you’re in charge of supporting this school site (plus all of the other sites he’s already supporting)? It’s been my observation that unless you begin with adequate tech support (as in training the tech support to handle the machines and potential volume of support requests), then you’re wasting your money in the initial technology investment. Not too many businesses could get away with that for very long.


  1. Hilarious video, Deb. However, it was so sad to see he had no clue how to use the MacBook. It's hard to believe he was supposed to support his staff. This video is comparable to my thesis and the research I've conducted. All of our rooms include SMART Boards (we even have extras this year) and teachers have no clue how to use them. To be honest, I attended a session one evening and it still isn't enough. Our district has resourceful Reading Coaches who assist with the entire staff focusing on reading strategies, but I also think it's time we get Technology Coaches! Just a thought.

  2. Right on Melissa! We need continued professional development in order to become proficient with the technologies that we already have. Hey can I have one of the "extra SMART Boards that you have :-) I want one!

  3. Yeah, this whole business of making big site purchases on the spur of the moment with whomever is in the office at the time, with no real roll-out plan, buying stuff to vaguely address a problem is ... really dumb. Ack.
