Friday, July 31, 2009

Week 4 Stickam Group Discussion Reply to George McAllister II

Week 4--Stickam session

Our 4th week collaborative group session was (both) fruitful and insightful. Aside from the initial frustration regarding navigability (I was the last person of my group to be seen within my “Stickam”-video box), Stickam for video along with Skype for audio provides a completely engaging / interactive learning environment. We covered the four areas of creative commons licensing as well as affirmed the related symbology so that we might be apprised of both what to look for and how to properly ascribe sources when utilizing creative commons-related works. Additionally, we had an open-floor discussion about our 2nd text, The Art of Possibility (Zander, R. & Zander, B., 2000) and how it may possibly coincide, cross-reference, resonate with some of the ideas espoused in “The Secret” ideology, in general, and “The Science behind the Secret” class-uploaded video, in particular. As regards the text, we detailed varying interpretations concerning the notion of giving one an A (Zander R. & Zander, B, 2000). We talked about what this notion meant to us, personally, and how it may configure within a particular learning environment. As an additional thought concerning this notion, I think that the notion of giving one an “A” could be a particularly beneficial check point for an educator because it gives one a fairly reliable measuring tool for what a student might have “really” grasped (conceptionally). Similar to the freedoms granted with creative commons interactivity, a student (already having received their “A”) can solely focus on creativity, content, and substance--from a relatively more relaxed posture--instead of the “learning / teaching-for-the-test” mentality that, I believe, plagues many a classroom environment. Finally, we confirmed our navigation points as we discussed what ideas, thoughts, behaviors might beneficially carry us through to the next month’s course and beyond.


photo image, George J McAllister II

Zander, R. & Zander, B. (2000). The art of possibility. New York: Penguin Books.

Youtube video: The Science Behind the Secret, retrieved on 7/30/2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

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Deb Quinn
I really enjoyed last night's class, I wish that we had more time to collaborate and to discuss the ideas presented in the class. Sometimes I feel like I am bursting at the seams, needing to discuss and share thoughts that come up during the readings and the videos that we view in isolation. Maybe someday we will have the time to get back to some of these topics and discuss them more in-depth. I agree with your thoughts regarding the idea of giving an A, and think that RaShida's idea of having the students describe what constitutes and A s a terrific idea! I have truly appreciated all of your interjections and ideas over the past month, thank you for sharing!
Friday, July 31, 2009 - 01:29 PM

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