In Jenkins book Kevin Roberts, the CEO Worldwide of Saatchi & Saatchi, states that the future of consumer relations lies with “lovemarks”. What a clever term, it is the emotional connection that we, as consumers have to products. It is that memory that we have in our minds, good or bad related to a brand, it is the same connection that you have when you hear a song and it brings you back to a moment in time. I have a “lovemark” with Coca-Cola, silly I know but true, it is a childhood memory of visiting my aunt and uncle. They had a curved front 50’s style fridge in the basement always filled with Coco-Cola sodas, and it was a treat to pick out the one that you wanted. So when I am watching American Idol I am automatically drawn to all of the Coca-Cola themed references in the show; well, good for them for picking up on and using this “lovemarks” idea to promote their product. This brings me back to the black boxes mentioned in the introduction of Jenkins book, with the invention of the DVR box more and more people are skipping right over commercials all together. It was inevitable that we would be seeing more advertising embedded in the shows that we watch.
Jenkins,H.(2006).Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide.New York, New York University Press
I have a friend who was a coke fanatic. Not a bad thing to be a fan of. Funny that it almost always has to do with 50s nostalgia ( a bit before our time). And you're right that the smart companies are getting their products placed into the story-line (all the good guys used macs in "24" and the bad guys used PCs, for example... according to a friend).